Colden Corporation routinely assists clients in the proper selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Our Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) and Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH) perform hazard assessments to determine the need for PPE to satisfy the federal requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard, 29 CFR Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment 1910.132 – General Requirements.
The assessment may include a review of the workplace, work procedures, hazards, and places where PPE is currently used, including the device and reason for use. Hazard assessments may also require our consultants to collect information on affected employees, review data from routine air monitoring and safety assessments, reports of work-related injuries and illnesses, near-miss events and reported safety concerns. Colden consultants evaluate PPE requirements that fall under the hazard categories of hand, body, fall, noise, respiratory, eye, head/neck/face, and foot.
Colden’s Services
- Hazard and risk assessments to determine when, where and what PPE is required
- Evaluation of existing PPE to determine adequacy
- Documentation to ensure compliance with 29 CFR 1910.132
- Training in the effective maintenance and use of PPE