An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is a framework that allows an organization to consistently identify and control its health and safety risks, reduce the potential for incidents, help achieve compliance with health and safety legislation and continually improve its performance. Most successful OHSMSs are based on a common set of key elements. These include: management leadership, employee participation, hazard identification, hazard prevention and control, education and training, and program evaluation and improvement. Colden’s OHSMSs employ the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model to improve corporate health and safety outcomes. Colden works with clients to develop strategies and systems focused on worker health and safety, or as integrated Environmental Health and Safety Management Systems (EHSMSs).
Colden works with clients to develop management systems meeting the specifications in the ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 standards, OHSAS 18001, the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), or other client requirements.
We help clients improve health and safety or EHS management systems to yield improvements in communication, change management, morale, quality, and injury and illness rates, and to elicit robust and sustainable employee participation.
Colden’s Services
- Gap analyses of health and safety or EHS management systems
- Definition of health and safety organizational roles and responsibilities
- Description of system components and their relationship to the organization at large
- Development of a process and criteria for determining health and safety hazards and risks, and significant environmental aspects and impacts
- Determination of EHS compliance obligations and training needs
- Development of health and safety or EHS management system procedures
- Communication of safety committee structure and recruitment of employee participation
- Development of training and communication materials on the EHS management system and its implementation
- Completion of mock health and safety or EHS management system audits
- Development of documentation and recordkeeping structure and updates to controlled documents
Colden Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (PDF)