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Phone: 215.496.9237
Cell: 267.250.2680

Greg W. Richey,

Senior Consultant

Greg Richey brings the benefits of 40+ years of experience from both the regulator’s and consultant’s perspectives. A Principal owner and founder of Colden, he serves as co-chair of the firm’s litigation support practice. As an expert in occupational exposure assessment, Mr. Richey has conducted thousands of safety audits and industrial hygiene surveys. Of particular note, he has assessed exposures on the sets of major motion pictures and responded to terrorist threats from substances such as anthrax.

Mr. Richey earned a Master of Science in Industrial Hygiene from Temple University and a Bachelor of Science in Fuel Science from Pennsylvania State University. He maintains certification in the comprehensive practice of industrial hygiene with a subspecialty in indoor environmental quality. In addition to being a Certified Industrial Hygienist, he is a Certified Safety Professional.

Mr. Richey started his career working for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources and began working for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 1976. He rose through the ranks in OSHA to serve as the Philadelphia Area Supervisor. After a 5-year stint with OSHA, he moved to Standard Oil Company, now BP Amoco, and subsequently into health and safety consulting.